Here are some ways parents and guardians can get involved:
- Speak at career day.
- Be a guest reader for a class.
- Share curriculum related pictures and souvenirs from a personal or family trip.
- Direct a play.
- Teach students to play chess.
- Arrange for curriculum related speakers, exhibits, demonstrations.
- Share a talent, interest, or hobby.
- Tutor individuals or small groups of students.
- Mentor a student interested in your profession.
- Coach a sport.
- Publish a school or classroom newsletter.
- Set up and help maintain a school or classroom website.
- Manage a classroom project.
- Chaperone a field trip.
- Organize or participate in a special event.
- Translate notices, letters, and forms into another language.
- Provide another parent with transportation to a conference or school event.
- Baby-sit for other parents on conference days.
- Organize a school fundraiser.
- Offer to donate books, art materials, musical instruments, games, etc.
- Bring in refreshments.
- Help to prep materials for a teacher.
Contact us today!