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Krispy Kreme Doughnut Fundraiser Begins

The Krispy Kreme Doughnut Fundraiser begins.  All orders and money must be turned in by Monday, November 13. Doughnuts are on sale by each student for $15/dozen.

Thanksgiving Special Daycare Enrollment Ends

Please sign up (and pay for) Thanksgiving Special Daycare beginning Monday, October 23rd through November 6 Special Day Care is offered on Monday, November 20, Tuesday, November 21, and Wednesday, November 22 for $40/day. Registration forms and payments must be… Continued

Field Trip – KW Library

Grades 3 through 7th have a field trip to the Key West Library every first Tuesday of the month (except for January 2024 when it will be the second Tuesday of the month).

GLS White Out for Lung Cancer

Students and Teachers are asked to wear white in honor of Lung Cancer Awareness Month.  This month we are honoring Mr. Danny McLeod, a part-time GLS employee and wife to Mrs. Jackie who taught 2nd and 3rd grade last year.… Continued

KW Co-op’s Truck Day

The K-2nd Grade classes are going on a field trip to KW Co-op’s Truck Day at Peace Covenant Presbyterian Church on Flagler Avenue on Thursday, November 9, 2023.  Please read the information attached. Sign and return the permission slip by… Continued

Bake Sale – Jessica’s Jellyfish

Jessica's Jellyfish class will be having a bake sale on Sunday morning following the 9am Grace Lutheran Church service. Jellyfish parents are asked to provide individually wrapped treats to sell.  They can be brought to class on Friday, November 10… Continued

PTL Meeting – Cancelled

The GLS PTL Meeting for Today has been cancelled.  It will be rescheduled in early December.   The GLS Parent Teacher League (PTL) will have it's meeting on Tuesday, November 14th at 4:30 in the church chapel.

Krispy Kreme Doughnut Fundraiser – Delivery Day

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts will be delivering the doughnuts ordered for the GLS Fundraiser at 7:30am.  They will be distributed to the parents at drop off and in the morning in the Parish Hall